Tuesday, 5 May 2009

The Bicycle Calendar

Gerald's madness for bikes generates such a huge amount of bike pictures that is enough to produce a catalogue! Last year I've published a calendar with his pics (we were just not fortunate enough to get a snow picture for winter) but that can give you an idea of what he is capable of, when talking about bikes!

So, click here for the Bike Calendar.



Chavah Kinloch said...

Hi there,

I just started following your blog via google and networked blogs. I'd love if you would recipricte for me. www.chavahkinloch.blogspot.com

Thanks a bunch, Chavah.

Ramón Antonio Pérez said...

Hello... HOLA

How are you...? Well, my english is basic, but alone entenderás...
Bueno. Te saludo desde Venezuela, para darte las gracias de pasar por mi Blog y requerir te acepte en Twitter...
Cuidate mucho.. Dios te bendiga

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