Tuesday, 25 August 2009

If Monet says France has Vanilla Skies then New Mexico has Licorice Skies


Sleeping Indian pulled the covers over his head.
My Licorice sky
Front range getting some wet stuff too.
The ranch after a long night of rain.
Cactus and sky
Born in a storm, calfie was born during the rain last night.
Cows were loving the water from the storm.
Blankets of cool cool clouds.
Licorice sky
Lighting in New Mexico is so dynamic.
The cactus responded to the rain by sending out fruit overnight.
Our beautiful muddy roads.
Mmmmmmm yummy.
So many layers of clouds in this storm.
New Mexico sunsets are the best.
I can never get enough of the wide open sky in New Mexico.
The Sleeping Indian as seen from our ranch in Belen.
New Mexico, so wide open.
Another beautiful day in New Mexico coming to a close.
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